2017 Jiangsu Secondary Constru

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  2017 Jiangsu Secondary Construction Engineer Examination: A Comprehensive Guide

2017 Jiangsu Secondary Constru


  The Jiangsu Secondary Construction Engineer Examination, held annually, is a highly competitive examination that grants qualified individuals the prestigious title of Secondary Construction Engineer. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the 2017 examination, covering important aspects such as eligibility criteria, exam format, syllabus, preparation tips, and more.

  1. Eligibility Criteria

   Possess a bachelors degree or higher in a relevant engineering field.

   Have a minimum of 3 years of experience in construction management or a related field.

   Be a resident of Jiangsu Province.

  2. Exam Format

  The exam consists of two parts:

  Part 1: Multiple Choice

   Number of questions: 100

   Time limit: 120 minutes

  Part 2: Subjective

   Number of questions: 3

   Time limit: 180 minutes

  3. Syllabus

  The exam covers a wide range of topics in construction management, including:

   Engineering Management Basics

   Site Management

   Materials Management

   Construction Technology

   Cost Control

   Quality Management

   Safety Management

   Environmental Protection

  4. Preparation Tips

   Start early: Allow ample time for preparation, at least 3-4 months.

   Obtain study materials: Use recommended textbooks, study guides, and practice questions.

   Form study groups: Collaborate with other candidates to discuss concepts and solve problems.

   Attend training courses: Consider attending training courses offered by reputable institutions.

   Review exam blueprints: Familiarize yourself with the exam format and syllabus to identify areas of focus.

   Practice regularly: Solve practice questions and past papers to improve time management and accuracy.

   Stay updated: Keep abreast of the latest industry standards and regulations.

  5. Exam Day Strategy

   Arrive early: Allow ample time for registration and preparation.

   Manage time effectively: Allocate time wisely for each section and question.

   Read instructions carefully: Ensure you understand the exam format and question types.

   Eliminate guesswork: If you are unsure of an answer, use the elimination method to narrow down your choices.

   Review your answers: If time permits, review your answers before submitting your exam.

  6. Scoring and Grading

   Multiple Choice: Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

   Subjective: Each question is evaluated by multiple graders.

   Passing Score: To pass the exam, candidates must obtain a minimum of 60% in each part.

  7. Post-Exam Procedures

   Results are typically announced within 1-2 months after the exam.

   Successful candidates will receive a certificate and are eligible to apply for the Secondary Construction Engineer qualification.


  The 2017 Jiangsu Secondary Construction Engineer Examination is a significant milestone for aspiring construction professionals. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this guide, candidates can increase their chances of success in the examination and pursue their career aspirations in the construction industry.


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